Derry Flute Band was originally named ‘Sons of Derry’.
The Sons of Derry Flute Band was founded in 1908 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada by a group of Irish immigrants from the County of Derry.

The Band has undergone several major changes in it’s lifetime…
In 1980, ‘Sons of Derry’ was changed to ‘Derry Flute Band’ to acknowledge the addition of women members into the Band.
In the early 1970’s, the Band changed its composition to include women members. As more and more women joined the Band, the original name no longer seemed appropriate.
A vote was taken in 1980, and with it, the name of the band was changed to the Derry Flute Band, and has remained as such ever since.

Trips to Northern Ireland & Scotland
In 1980, a initial contingent from Derry Flute Band (Ivor Yates, Bill Medland and George McConnell) made a trip to Coleraine and established a connection to the Coleraine Fife and Drum through Ivor, who had emigrated from the area.
That connection led to a lifelong friendship between our Band Master Bill Medland, and the Band Master of Coleraine Fife and Drum, Sammy Kane.
Many friendships were born between members and families of both Bands, that continue to this day.
Derry Flute Band have made three trips to Northern Ireland and Scotland, in the summers of 1982, 1987, and 1990, with the Coleraine Fife and Drum visiting Toronto in 1984.
We play many marches that have been composed by Sammy Kane, some specifically for us, including Medland (for former Band Master Bill Medland), and Donna’s Parade (for Donna Medland).
In 2008, we celebrated our 100th Year Anniversary.

Today and beyond….
We continue on today, with new members and volunteers. All ages are welcome, with any skill level – we teach you everything you need to know. All we ask is that you are willing and able to learn, and actively attend and participate. All instruments, equipment and lessons are provided free of charge by our volunteer members.